What happend and when etc..
So now i'm going to explain shorter, less details and squeeze the story.
On monday i stayed in Madrid, hanging out with the hostelfriends.
On Tuesday 18.2 i took the bus from Madrid to Oviedo.
I have to say it felt weird to already arrive in there.
I planned that i'm going to visit there at some point of my trip, but i thought that i would stay in south at least couple weeks longer.
In Oviedo i stayed at my friends apartment and i felt like i could stay there much more longer.
In the same city there's also one friend of mine from Finland, staying as au pair.
With her we hanged out several times when we had a change.
In Oviedo i took usually two walking trips in day to circle around the city, so i guess i saw quite much of the city areas. :)
I would love to go back for a longer time, get a good bicycle, explore the areas and villages nearby again and again.
At the weekend we went to have a little longer trips with the car.
We visited to see Covadonga, Enol&Ercina and the northest point in Asturias, called Cabo peñas. :)
Unbelievable places every one of those and what an experiences.! Wow..!! :)
It feels a little wrong to write so shortly and explaining only some main things of the time i spended in Oviedo. I stayed there 9 days and it was so fun, i enjoyed alot and wouldn't change anything. :)
On thursday i got the chance to try blablacar.com website first time properly and i got the ride from Oviedo to Madrid.
1.3 Saturday i got a blablaride from Madrid to Lisbon.
I haven't done barely anything in last couple days because the flu is kicking alot, my head is so full of snot that i can't even think.
But i'm still going forward..
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